
2018 Community Representation Report

CPI 2018 Community Representation Report

The purpose of this report is to examine the levels of diversity, inclusion, and community representation on five key boards and commissions, and how successfully they are addressing the needs of underserved communities.


  • Lack of full representation
    The 2018 membership of the five elected and appointed boards and commissions studied for this report fails to reflect the rich variety of people, cultures, and experiences that distinguish the San Diego region.
  • Disproportionately white, male, and economically secure
    In terms of race and ethnicity, gender, and socio-economic background, the decision-making bodies we studied are significantly more homogeneous than the communities they are entrusted to represent. They are disproportionately white, male, and economically secure or advantaged.
  • Structural barriers to representation
    Structural factors can limit diversity and full representation, including strong reliance on informal social networks to secure nominations, informal preference for professionals from related industries, and disenfranchisement of large populations who are not US citizens but are directly served by the board.


Download executive summary (Spanish/Español)
Download executive summary (Vietnamese/Tiếng Việt)
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Download the full report (Spanish/Español)

2013 Report: San Diego's Leadership Development Infrastructure

CPI 2013 Report

Here you can download and read CPI's assessment of existing leadership programs in San Diego County, which took place in the spring of 2013 to identify regional opportunities and gaps.


  • Many vacancies to fill
    At least 2,257 appointed positions on Boards and Commissions exist in the various cities and the County of San Diego. There are numerous vacancies, and sitting appointees that have filled seats well beyond their term.
  • Missing demographic information
    Cities and the County in San Diego do not track, or request even voluntarily from applicants or appointees, demographic representation on appointed Boards and Commissions.
  • Leadership training opportunities
    At least 13 different programs exist to train new leaders with either a social and economic change orientation or that characterize their program as “progressive.”


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